Wednesday, November 28

More Information

Born 1244
Initiated at the age of 21 in Beaune in the Cote d'Ore, France
Initiation conducted by Humbert of Pairaud, the English Master of the Temple
When initiated, went to serve in the Eat under Grand Master William of Beaujeu
Some believe he first became Master of the Temple in England before he became Grand master of the entire Order
Historian Malcolm Barbour belives that Jacques could have been elected to Grand Mastership between April 1292 and 8 December 1293
Was Godfather of Prince Robert, the son of King Philip the Fair of France
Was deemed to be in a "war" against the French King and his puppet Pope

Tuesday, November 27

What I Already Know

About Jaques DeMolay

- He was the 23rd (and last) Grand Master of the Templar Knights
- Was arrested on Oct. 13th, 14th century
- Burned at the stake on March 18th, 14th century
- Kept in a prison for 10 years before eventually being executed
- Entered the Templar Knights at age 20
- The Shroud of Turin is said to not actually be the burial cloth of Chirst, but actually the cloth that covered the face of Jaques DeMolay as he was led to his execution
- Date of birth was around 1485
- Born to family in the lower nobility of England
- Member of the Templar Knights -- The origins of modern day Freemasonry
- Execution order by Pope _____II as he commited "heresy" (wasn't practicing proper Chriastian beliefs)
- As he burned on the stake among his other fellow Knights, he cursed the Pope who ordered his death and the Pope died later in that year
- With his execution on March 18th, so ended the reign of the before powerful Templar Knights and their Order was vanquished forever